Two companies get approval to structure road concessions in Brazil

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Two companies get approval to structure road concessions in Brazil

Estruturadora Brasileira de Projetos S/A (EBP) and QG Engenharia e Planejamento Ltda. were authorized by the Brazilian Transport Ministry to update the feasibility studies for the BR-040 (stretch Brasília / DF - Juiz de Fora / MG) and BR-116  (stretch Além Paraíba, Minas Gerais - Currency Alegre / MG) highway concessions.

The Request for Expressions of Interest (PMI) was launched by the Ministry in July.

Companies will execute the following works:

  1. Modeling traffic Studies of BR-040 to assess the change of location of the Nova Lima toll plaza;
  2. Including recent unitary costs (SICRO II);
  3. Comparing  investment and operation costs to those of similar concessions;
  4. Adding or changing improvements requested by the Ministry, and
  5. Carrying out an economic and financial evaluation.

The deadline for submission of the requested studies is 23 September 2013.

Source: PPP Brasil
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