Colombia's National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) has received two bids for the Santander de Quilichao - Popayán road PPP project.
The two bids have been submited by the following consortia:
The project involves the development of a new 76 km road that includes, among others, the development about 23 bridges and 21 junctions.
The total project investment is estimated at P1,200 billion (US$496.5 million).
The project is part of the second phase of the fourth generation (4G) Program of highway concessions. The second wave of 4G highway projects includes 10 concessions. 4G involves the construction of 8,000km of roads, including 1,200km of four-lane highways, with the majority of projects to be carried out as PPPs.
In December 2014 ANI published the tender documents for the project along with the documents for the following road concessions: Santa Ana - Mocoa - Neiva, Rumichaca - Pasto; and Puerta de Hierro - Carreto - Palmar de Varela; Carreto - Cruz del Viso.