The municipality of Belo Horizonte (Brazil) has received two proposals for the municipal street lighting public private partnership (PPP) project.
The two teams that have submitted proposals for the project are the following:
IP Belo Horizonte has submitted the best proposal, which includes a monthly payment of R$4.158 million (US$1.18 million). The maximum value for the monthly payment was established at R$6.151 million (US$1.75 million)
The project involves the provision of public lighting services, including the development, modernization, expansion, operation and maintenance of the municipal street lighting system.
The concession contract will be for a period of 20 years and it has a total value of R$1.4 billion (US$397.8 million).
The project feasibility study has been developed by Estruturadora Brasileira de Projetos S/A. The public consultation took place between October and November 2015 and the tender process for the project was launched in January 2016.