The Government of Kenya (GoK) has issued a request for expressions of interest (RFEOI) to hire a transaction advisor to assist in implementing University Hostels projects through public private partnership (PPP).
GoK has received $40 million from the World Bank towards the cost of the Infrastructure Finance and Public Private Partnerships Project. It plans to use part of this funds to finance this advisory services.
The main objective of the consultancy is the provision of transaction advisory services for PPP tenders to be awarded through competitive bidding to companies for the development,operation and maintenance of five University Hostels PPP projects. The service provision is expected to cover the following areas: financial, technical, legal, and environmental & social impact assessment.
The scope of the project will involve the provision of housing facilities for Under-Graduate Students, Post-Graduate students and Catering Facility for each University.
Interested parties had to submit their proposals by today 8 August 2014.