The Ministry of Public Health of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has invited consultancy firms to indicate their interest in providing transaction advisory services for three candidate hospitals to be delivered through the PPP model.
One of the motives behind initiating hospital PPPs in Afghanistan's Hospital Sector is lack of Afghans access to quality secondary and tertiary healthcare within the country.
The Afghanistan National Health Accounts revealed that 73% of the population paid out of pocket for healthcare with a survey by the MoPH showing that 54% of the population listed the private healthcare sector as the first preference for treatment. It is estimated by MoPH that USD$285 million is spent by Afghanistan citizens on obtaining medical treatment in neighboring countries.
In February 2012, with support from USAID, HPP, a dedicated PPP Unit was established within the official MoPH framework; currently under the General Directorate of Policy and Planning to design, negotiate and manage PPPs in health with special focus on large hospital PPPs.
The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) needs to move on Public Private Partnership (PPP) selection and development of the PPP administrative infrastructure quickly as the hospitals will be handed over to the MOPH in 2014.
The following three (3) hospitals all located in Kabul City are being considered as potential PPP candidates:
Jamhuriat General Hospital is a 200-bed, 10-story facility in District #2of Kabul, constructed and equipped by the Peoples' Republic of China and handed over to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoIRA) back in August 2009. However, it has remained unused since then.
The MoPH vision for Jamhuriat General Hospital entails using the existing building and site to establish a tertiary referral and teaching hospital under a PPP agreement.
The Jinnah 200-Bed General Hospital, located in Kabul, is being constructed through a US$18 million donation from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and is scheduled to be completed and handed over to MOPH inmid-2014. This hospital will provide high-quality secondary and tertiary health services to approximately 5 million Kabul city residents and as a referral resource for Afghanistan's provinces.
When construction is completed in mid-2014, Jinnah General Hospital will be ready to operate as a potential PPP hospital.
The Sheikh Zayed 100-bed Mother & Child Hospital located in District #15 of Kabul has been constructed and equipped through a US$5.4 million donation from the United Arab Emirates. The referral hospital will serve as a tertiary care resource for approximately 5 million Kabul city residents and as a referral resource for Afghanistan's provinces.
With construction completed in 2011, the hospital facility is ready to be operated as a PPP in the near term.
The period of performance of the PPP contracts will be 25 years with possibility of extension based on satisfactory performance of private partner.
Deadline for submission of the EOI is May 7, 2014 at 14:00 hrs Kabul time.
See Request for EOI: