Three qualified teams have been shortlisted to participate in the next stage of the competitive selection process to build the new 225 bed long-term care facility in Swift Current, Saskatchewan.
Five teams responded to the Cypress Regional Health Authority Request for Qualifications, which closed October 9, 2013. After evaluating the responses, three teams have been invited to move forward to the Request for Proposal stage:
Integrated Team Solutions (ITS)The project is a design-build-finance-maintain public-private partnership (P3) procurement model and a proponent is expected to be selected by spring 2014. Construction of the new long-term care facility is expected to be underway in summer 2014 with completion targeted for spring 2016.
The long-term care facility will be built on a parcel of land owned by the Cypress Regional Health Authority that is adjacent to the regional hospital.
The Cypress Regional Health Authority will maintain full ownership of the facility and will operate all aspects of the direct care provided within the facility. Existing health region staff will provide services for residents and maintain the provincial standards and guidelines that have been set for long-term care programs and services within the province.
The cost of the facility will be determined through the competitive process.