Canada's Infrastructure Ontario (IO) on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has prequalified three teams to design, build and finance the Highway 401 Expansion project.
Teams were selected based on their construction capability, experience, qualified personnel and financial capacity to deliver a project of this size and scope. They include:
Blackbird Infrastructure Group
West Corridor Constructors
A request for proposals is expected to be released in fall 2017.
The Highway 401 Expansion project is approximately 18 km long and is located within the western part of the Greater Toronto Area, from the Credit River in Mississauga to Regional Road 25 in Milton.
The Project includes widening the existing six lane configuration to the following:
Each section described above will include two High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes (one in each direction), with the remainder of the lanes (either eight or ten depending on the section) being general purpose lanes.
The widening will involve minor and major modifications to existing infrastructure to accommodate the proposed widening.
Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and Metrolinx have shortlisted three teams to design, build and finance the Rutherford Station project. The infrastructure upgrades are required to accommodate the planned expansion of GO Transit rail service on the Barrie line.
Read moreThe Canadian Government has shortlisted three consortia for the Tłı̨chǫ All Season Road (TASR).
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Read moreThe Public Works and Government Services Canada on behalf of the Canada Border Services Agency has launched a Request for Qualifications for the CBSA Land Border Crossing P3 project.
Read moreThe Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority (WDBA) has delayed bid deadline by six months to receive detailed proposals for the US$2.5-billion Gordie Howe International Bridge PPP between Detroit, Michigan, and Windsor, Ontario.
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