The Greece Ministry of National Economy and Finance has announced that three investment schemes expressed interest in the tender for the development of the 'Andreas Lentakis' Governmental Park, worth EUR 421 million (US$ 457 million) that will include government services and a public park in the DafniImittos municipality.
The three investors who expressed interest are:
The Private Entity is responsible for the design, construction, and maintenance of the prison infrastructure for the project “GOVERNMENTAL PARK “ANDREAS LENTAKIS”. Phase I of the tender will be completed with the assessment of the bids and the selection of candidates who will move to Phase II. The project will be carried out through a public-private partnership (PPP), and the concessionaire will build, fund, maintain, and operate the new administrative complex of buildings and the urban park for 30 years. The Governmental Park covers 15.4 ha and will include an administrative office complex in the old facilities of EVO-PYRKAL, while the large urban park will serve as a 'green lung' (source of oxygen) for the greater region of the Dafni-Imittos Municipality, in Attica Region.
The University of Western Macedonia (UoWM) has received 6 Expression of Interest (EOI) for the first phase of the competition for the Establishment of Student Hostels on the University Campuses.
Read moreThe Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) has announced the acquisition of a majority stake of 67% in the company's share capital Heraklion Port Authority S.A.
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The Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) has signed a concession agreement with the concessionaire “PYLOS MARINA S.A.”, which was established by D MARINAS HELLAS S.A. and TEMES S.A., as the Preferred Investor for the development of the Marina of Pylos.
Read moreThe 'Theagenio' Cancer Hospital has signed a PPP for the construction of a new Cancer Hospital in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Read moreThe Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) has announced the launch of the tender for the development of the National Ski Center in Vassilitsa, Greece.
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