Rijkswaterstaat, part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, has shortlisted three teams to develop the A-27 road stretch between Utrecht - Hilversum and the A1 road stretch between Hilversum and Bunschoten-Spakenburg through a PPP project.
The three groups that have been shortlisted for the groups shortlisted for A27/A1 motorways are the following:
Two other groups, A27/A1 OKE (Boskalis, Participatiemaatschappij VolkerInfra PPP) and V1A27 (TBI PPP, Van Gelder Groep), submitted qualification documents but failed to make the shortlist.
The road project will involve, among others, the upgrade and redevelopment of the A-27 stretch from 2x2 to 2x3 lanes on the Utrecht-Noord - Eemnes section and the upgrade and redevelopment of the A-1 stretch from 2x2 to 2x4 lanes on the Eemnes - Bunschoten-Spakenburg section.
The preferred bidder will be responsible for the design, build, finance an maintenance (DBFM) of the roads for a period of 25 years.
The total project investment is estimated to be between €200 million (US$218.4 million) and €250 million (US$273 million).