The Government of Chile, through the Ministry of Public Works, has received three technical proposals for the development of a border checkpoint through a concession.
The three firms that have submitted technical proposals for the project are the following:
The bidders have to submit their economical proposals on 19 December 2014. Construction works are expected to begin before mid 2015.
The new border checkpoint will be the first that will be carried out through a concession scheme. The facilities will be located near the old complex, at 68 km from Los Andes City in the Valparaiso region. The project includes the development of a three floors building, control areas for different types of vehicles, access roads and parking areas, among others.
The project involves the development, operation and maintenance of the new facilities for a period of 10 years.
The total project investment is estimated at about US$84 million.
The new border checkpoint complex will have a capacity for up to 4.3 million tons of goods and 1.5 million people per year. The complex will be the main connection between Chile and Mercosur, a sub-regional bloc comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.