Three companies register for studies of the Jardinopolis Sanitation concession

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Three companies register for studies of the Jardinopolis Sanitation concession

The municipality of Jardinópolis has authorized three companies to carry out the feasibility studies of the city sanitation concession

The three companies selected via Expression of Interest process (EOI) are: GS Inima Brazil Ltda. (author of the original application to develop the feasibility studies); Barbosa Mello Participações e Investimentos S.A; Aegea Saneamento e Participações S.A.​

Jardinópolis has about 41,000 inhabitants. The water supply and sewage services in the city are currently provided by the Department of Water and Wastewater (DAE), an arm of the Secretary of Public Works of Jardinópolis.

According to the Municipal Plan of Sanitation (November 2012), the DAE operates and maintains the water network of the city.

Feasibility studies must be submitted by December 8, 2016.

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