Ministry of Transportation, the Cundinamarca Governorate and the Cundinamarca SAS Regional Railway Company (EFR) in Colombia have signed the first passenger regional train development concession with China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CECC).
CECC was the only bidder in the tender and was awarded a contract on 23 of December. The company will be in charge of the execution of the public rail passenger transportation system that will connect Bogotá with municipalities that make up the Sabana de Occidente region such as Funza, Mosquera, Madrid and Facatativá.
The rail line will feature 39.6 kilometers of railway, of which 14.7 will be located in the urban area of Bogotá and will include the construction of 17 stations (eight will be located in the municipalities of Sabana Occidente). It will be a 100% electric system.
The concession contract will have an execution period of 26 years (4 years of work and 22 years of operation). The concession will take place in three stages: design, construction and testing (4.5 years), operation and maintenance (21 years) and infrastructure reversion to the Regional Iron Company (6 months).
Project´s estimated investment value is COP 3,430 billion (US$ 1.05 billion) and will include such aspects as:
The State and the Department of Cundinamarca will contribute COP 1,910 billion (US$ 586 million). Of this sum, the State contribution corresponds to COP 1,320 billion (US$ 405 million) while the amount for Cundinamarca is COP 594 billion (US$ 181 million).