The Irish National Development Finance Agency (NDFA) has announced that it has launched a tender process to develop the Courts Bundle PPP project.
The project will be developed on a design, build, finance and maintain (DBFM) basis for a period of 25 years from service commencement date.
The project is being procured under a single PPP contract using the negotiated procedure. The time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate is 12 June 2014.
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform announced the Government's intention to develop the project by PPP on 17 July 2012 as part of a €2.25 billion Infrastructure Stimulus package. The project cost is estimated at €120 million (US$165 million). The project will be funded by private funding and payment will be made by monthly unitary payment subject to the terms and conditions of the contract.
The contract is scheduled to start on 21 October 2015.
The Courts Bundle PPP project involves the development of seven courthouses located in Drogheda, Letterkenny, Limerick, Wexford, Cork, Mullingar and Waterford. The project comprise the design, build, finance and maintenance of the seven courthouses and courthouse refurbishments/extensions on seven sites.
See contract notice: