The University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust has issued a tender process by launching a request for expression of interest (RFEOI) for a car park management services concession in Lancaster.
The total value of the project for the entire duration of the framework agreement is estimated between GPB4-6 million (US$6.8-10.2 million)
The project involves the develop, finance and manage of two car parks at the Trust's main hospital.
One car park adjoins the public adopted highway of Ashton Road, and has 200 surface level spaces available for the use of patients to the hospital. It is 6,100 square metres, but could be enlarged to 7,300 sq.m. by inclusion of an adjoining landscaped area.
Presently run on a Pay-&-Display system, the car park is to be converted by the Trust to a barrier-controlled system in July or August 2014. The present annual income is around GBP 300,000, which is expected to rise to GBP 350 000 once the barrier system is operational.
The other car park is accessed from a private hospital roadway, and has 240 surface level spaces reserved for the use of hospital staff. It totals 6,500 sq.m., being a main area of 5,900 sq.m. and a raised subsidiary parking area of 600 sq.m. The car park is barrier controlled, and staff buy permits to use it. The present annual income is around GBP 150 000.
Interested parties must submit their expressions of interest on or before 14 July 2014. The dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates is scheduled on 5 August 2014.
See tender document: