Clackamas County has issued a request for qualifications (RFQ) seeking interested and qualified firms for the Clackamas County courthouse replacement PPP project in Oregon, USA.
The project will be implemented under design, build, partially finance, operate and maintain (DBFOM) PPP delivery model. The contract will be awarded for a period of 30 years, starting from the date of occupancy of the new courthouse.
By utilizing a DBfOM project delivery approach, the County expects to secure substantial public benefits. These benefits include optimal risk allocation; cost savings; incentives and enforcement capacity for high performance and efficiency gain; expedited project design and construction schedule; and predictable long-term operation and maintenance costs.
The project involves the replacement of a current courthouse by the new one, with the aim to create a sufficient and functional amount of space in the building. The new courthouse will be around 250,000 square feet, containing 16 courtrooms.
The deadline to submit the responses is July 30, 2021. More information about this RFQ can be found on our business opportunity page here.