The Delaware River Port Authority, a bi-state corporate instrumentality of the State of New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, has issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Glassboro- Camden Rail Line project in the USA.
The authority seeks interested professional consulting engineering firms for preliminary engineering services and project management office services. The authority is committed to pursuing and implementing the most expeditious and cost-effective approach to designing, constructing, and commencing revenue service on the proposed project.
The project involves the development of an 18-mile light rail system (LRT), covering the Walter Rand Transportation Center in Camden, NJ to Glassboro, NJ along Interstate 676 and Conrail right-of-way. It will consist of thirteen walk-up or park and ride stations.
The deadline to submit the responses is December 16, 2021. More information about this business opportunity is available here.
City of Austin in cooperation with Austin Water in Texas, USA has launched a request for information (RFI) seeking private partners for Biogas Utilization infrastructure at Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant (HBBMP).
Read moreThe City of Conroe has issued the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the development of a mixed-use complex in Texas, USA.
Read moreEast End Crossing Partners, the consortium responsible for the operation of cable-stayed Lewis and Clark Bridge across the Ohio River, executed a US$528 million green bonds offering to refinance its existing indebtedness.
Read moreThe Red River Valley Alliance (RRVA) consortium, formed by ACCIONA, Shikun & Binui and North American Construction Group, has reached financial close for the flood prevention PPP project in the states of North Dakota and Minnesota, USA.
Read moreCity of Inglewood has launched two request for proposals (RFPs) seeking consultants for Inglewood Transit connector (ITC) project.
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