Ten bidders will compete for Matecana airport PPP

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Ten bidders will compete for Matecana airport PPP

According to local sources, ten bidders will compete to develop a new terminal at Matecaña airport through a public private partnership (PPP) project in Colombia.

The ten bidders are, so far, the following:

  • AIA,
  • Sainc, Ingenieros Constructores S.A.,
  • Cemex Colombia S.A.,
  • Benton S.A.S.,
  • Inverlink,
  • Ashmore Management,
  • Nexus Capital Partners S.A.,
  • China Gezhouba Group,
  • P3 Infraestructura, and
  • Odinsa.

The total project investment is estimated at P$90.66 billion (US$45.7 million). The National Government will provide a total of P$15 billion (US$7.56 million).

The contract will have a period of about 20 years.

The deadline for submissions of expressions of interest is 7 November 2014. 

See tender documents:


Matecaña International Airport connects the Risaralda department of Colombia. It also serves the cities of Armenia, Cartago, and Manizales in emergency situations.

The city of Pereira owns and manages the terminal building, while the operations are in charge of Aerocivil. On average, there are 25 daily commercial operations.

Colombia is to award two other airport concessions on 19 December 2014. The Colombian National Infrastructure Agency (ANI) had launched two tender processes, one for the Barranquilla International Airport and one for the airports of Armenia, Popoayán and Neiva. ANI announced the shortlisted investors for the concessions in October 2013.

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