The submission of binding bids for the EUR 6.5 billion Egnatia Odos motorway concession has been postponed from June to October 2019.
Egnatia Odos is a 670km motorway that crosses Northern Greece, from East to West, starting from the Port of Igoumenitsa, which connects Greece to Italy, and ending at the Greek-Turkish borders. On a European level, it links the major economic and industrial centers of the West with those in the East, by adding an uninterrupted trading connection between them. It is also a collector route for the Balkan and South-Eastern European transport system.
The project involves financing, operation, maintenance and exploitation of Egnatia Odos motorway and three vertical road axes. The three vertical axes connect Greece to neighboring countries - Albania, FYROM, Bulgaria and Turkey.
The progress was made in the number of outstanding issues such as studies on tunnel licensing, electronic tolling, toll construction contracts and budget issue. But there are still issues pending which will not be closed until October.
One of such issues is the construction of the toll stations, which will not be completed by then. Another issue is approving of environmental terms for some parts of the axis that have expired or are about to expire.
Despite the delays, the competition for the applications of electronics is in the second phase. The technical specifications were announced so that concessionaire would know the system that needs implementing to ensure interoperability across all motorways. The implementation of the "smart" system may take up to two years.