Strategic Partnership between InfraPPPWorld & WAPPP

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Strategic Partnership between InfraPPPWorld & WAPPP

IMCW Europe (IMCW), part of IMC Worldwide and manager of the platform, and The World Association of PPP Units & Professionals (WAPPP) are pleased to announce that they have entered into a strategic partnership.

This partnership has been created with a view to share information to improve the practice of PPPs and combine IMCW online presence as a knowledge platform in infrastructure finance and investments with WAPPP's growing network of PPP Units & Professionals. 

Ziad Alexandre Hayek, President of WAPPP, and Jose de la Maza Alba, General Manager of IMCW Europe jointly stated that:

“IMCW's understanding of digital product interactions, knowledge of the evolving #PPP landscape coupled with WAPPP's global reach and it being a hub for public entities, strategic investors, financial investors and specialized consultants involved in PPPs, will forge the pathway to an inclusive collaboration aimed at strengthening the practice of  #SDG-driven #PPPs. The partnership will also benefit WAPPP and IMCW through the cross-fertilisation of our existing  networks for more #sustainablePPPs.”

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