B.C.’s Capital Regional District has announced that three teams have been shortlisted for the Residuals Treatment Facility P3 Project in Saanich (British Columbia).
The Residuals Treatment Facility is a linked component of the Capital Regional District’s (CRD) overall wastewater treatment program. The new treatment facility will be located at the existing Hartland landfill site and will produce Class A biosolids.
The P3 approach for the Residuals Treatment Facility will provide numerous benefits. Specifically, private sector innovation will be leveraged to transfer risks related to design, construction costs, whole life-cycle costs, operational risk and resource recovery. Once selected, the private sector proponent will be responsible for designing, building, financing, operating and maintaining the new Residuals Treatment Facility for a total concession period of 20 years.
The CRD of Victoria will have ownership of the facility at all times and will maintain accountability for the project through a performance-based contract to ensure that high performance standards are met throughout the life of the contract. This provides the CRD with assurances that it can hold the private partner accountable for performance thus protecting taxpayer funds.
From initial seven submissions received in early February responding to the RFQ, the three teams shortlisted are namely:
Harbour Resource Partners
Hartland Biosolids Partners
Hartland Resource Management Group