The Province of Saskatchewan and the Cypress Health Region announced last week they have elected to proceed with a design-build-finance-maintain public-private partnership (P3) procurement model for the new 225 bed long-term care facility in Swift Current.
In a press release they said that the region will soon post tenders for advisors who will provide expertise and assistance during various elements of the planning and procurement process.
Minister responsible for SaskBuilds Don McMorris said:
"Tapping into the private sector expertise through a P3 process will generate innovative designs to improve services and increase operating efficiencies. A P3 process also creates incentives for the project to be delivered on time and on budget and will ensure the facility is properly maintained over the term of the agreement."
The long-term care facility will be built on 15 acres of a 30 acre parcel of land owned by the Cypress Health Region that is adjacent to the regional hospital. The government said that initial analysis indicates there is value for money with a P3 model for this type of project. If the value for money is not proven during the procurement process, the health region and province will consider other funding options.
The procurement process for the private partner is expected to start in mid-August and onsite work may begin as early as next spring.The capital construction cost of the facility will be determined through the competitive public private partnership bidding process.
Source: Government of Saskatchewan