Sao Paulo state signs urban transport PPP

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Sao Paulo state signs urban transport PPP

The Brazilian State of São Paulo and BR Mobilidade Baixada Santista consortium have achieved commercial closure for the Integrated Transport System concession of Baixada Santista.

The BR Mobilidade Baixada Santista consortium is composed of Comporte Participações S/A and Viação Piracicabana Ltda.

The 20 year concession contract involves the operation and maintenance of the Baixada Santista integrated transport system, which includes: bus, light rail and other low and medium powered vehicles. The system will provide urban transport services to the municipalities of Bertioga, Cubatão, Guarujá, Itanhaém, Mongaguá, Peruíbe, Praia Grande, São Vicente and Santos.

The concession is valued at R$5.6 billion (US$1.77 billion) and the initial project investment is estimated at R$600 million (US$189.9 million).

Baixada Santista is a metropolitan area located on the coast of São Paulo state in Brazil, with a population of about 1.7 million. Its most populous city is Santos with a population of roughly 420,000 inhabitants.

The Municipality of Sao Paulo has recently suspended the tender process for the Sao Paulo Street lighting public private partnership (PPP) project. The preferred bidder would have to modernize, streamline, expand and maintain the street lighting infrastructure of the city.
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