The State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, has announced the opening of the bidding process to the concession contract for the design, build, finance operate and maintain the road system lot called “Rodovias Centro-Oeste Paulista”.
That lot refers to an extension of 570 km, which includes the State highways SP 266, SP 294, SP 322, SP 328, SP 330, SP 333 and SP 351, and provides for the duplication of 201 km of SP 333, between the City of Borborema and the border of the State of São Paulo with the State of Paraná.
The concession period will be 30 years and the necessary investments to be made throughout this period, amounts approximately BRL3.9 billion.
The concession project will cover the following municipalities: Florínea, Pedrinhas Paulista, Cruzália, Tarumã, Assis, Platina, Echaporã, Marília, Júlio Mesquita, Guarantã, Cafelândia, Pongaí, Uru, Novo Horizonte, Borborema, Ribeirão Preto, Sertãozinho, Pontal, Pitangueiras, Viradouro, Bebedouro, Jardinópolis, Sales Oliveira, Orlândia, São Joaquim da Barra, Guará, Ituverava, Buritizal, Aramina, and Igarapava.
The deadline for submitting proposals is on February 22, 2017.
You can have further information here.