The city of Jau (São Paulo) has launched a public consultation to review the draft tender documents and contracts for a concession relative to the water supply and sanitation services of the city.
The future concessionaire will be responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance production and distribution systems of drinking water, and the collection, removal, treatment and disposal of sewage.
The services delivered by Concessionárias Águas de Mandaguahy and SANEJ - Saneamento de Jaú until the end of their contracts, 07-31-2028 and 03-03-2025, are excluded from the contract.
Upon termination of current leases, the future concessionaire will assume full responsibility for those contracts as well.
The term of the contract will be thirty five years and the local authority that currently provides sanitation services, SAEMJA, will be responsible for its regulation.
Interested parties may submit reviews, suggestions, and questions about the documents subject of public consultation until May 23rd.
Companhia Paulista de Desenvolvimento (CPD) carried out the feasibility studies for the project after being selected in a Request for Expressions of Interest (PMI).
The future concessionaire will reimburse CPD with R$500,000.
See documents: