Sao Caetano do Sul university announces public hearing for PPP project

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Sao Caetano do Sul university announces public hearing for PPP project

The University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS) has announced the public hearing for the public-private partnership project (PPP) involving the management of its buildings and public areas.

The object of the concession is the construction, operation and maintenance of the new building on the Barcelona campus, as well as the operation and maintenance of the existing buildings of the university, which has provided higher education services for 48 years.

The project has been structured via an Expression of Interest (EOI) process with two consortia involved in the process:

  • CLD Construction, Electronics and Detectors Ties Ltda.
  • Socicam Administração, Projetos e Representações Ltda. together with 3PBrasil - Consultoria e Projetos de Estrutura de Parcerias Público-Privadas e Participações Ltda.

Consulting firm FGV Projectos carried out the feasibility studies for the PPP project.

The public hearing will take place on October 7 (9 am) at the auditorium Helcio Quaglio, located in Goiás Avenue, No. 3400, Barcelona district, São Caetano do Sul, Brazil.

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