Sacyr has sold a 49 % stake in two Spanish hospital concessions, the Hospital Infanta Cristina and the Hospital del Henares, to Lloyds Bank European Infrastructure Partners L.P. (LBEIP).
Lloyds' fund has paid an amount of €90.2 million for both stakes.
The European Commission (EC) authorized the sale on March 5th. The EC concluded that the sale will not cause competition concerns after studying the proposal submitted on 7 February 2014.
Through this transaction LBEIP and Sacyr jointly will take over the control of 'Hospitales Concesionados', the company that owns both concession contracts. The sum paid by LBEIP has not been disclosed.
The Hospital Infanta Cristina has 247 beds, with a total floor area of 56,811 m² and it is located on a plot of 276,666 m². It serves the population of Parla, Torrejón de Velasco, Torrejón de la Calzada, Batres, Cubas de la Sagra, Casarrubuelos, Grinyon, and Valle Serranillos.
The hospital de Henares, which opened in Feb. 2008, serves a population of 170,000 in Coslada, San Fernando de Henares, Mejorada del Campo, Loeches, and Velilla de San Antonio. The Hospital has 58,149 square meters.
Sacyr also has the concession for the Puerta de Hierro hospital in Madrid and other three hospitals in Portugal. In addition the company has 22 highways concessions, totaling 1,800 kilometers distributed in Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Chile and Costa Rica, and two transport interchanges located in Madrid, two subway lines (in Seville and Tenerife), and a new airport in Murcia.
Lloyds Bank European Infrastructure Partners (LBEIP) is an infrastructure fund focusing on social and economic PPP or PFI infrastructure projects in the UK and Western Europe.