Sacyr has appointed Carlos Mijangos as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Rafael Gómez del Río as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sacyr Concesiones.
Upon the proposal of its Chairman and Managing Director, Manuel Manrique, the Sacyr Board of Directors has approved the appointments. Carlos Mijangos, to date Chief Einancial Officer, is to become new General Manager of Finance, while Rafael Gómez del Río to date Chief Operations Officer is to become the new Chief Executive Officer.
Both appointments form part of the new strategic vision of Sacyr, which is developing towards a multinational organizational model with tough risk control mechanisms to enable the group to consolidate its position and implement its growth plan.
Carlos Mijangos, a civil engineer and graduate of the Management Development Program at the IESE, has over 23 years experience in the infrastructure area. Prior to the appointment he was the Chief Executive Officer of Sacyr Concesiones. He has also been General Manager of Business Development, General Manager of Operations at Sacyr Concesiones and Director of Turnpikes in Spain, Portugal and Brazil at Itínere. Previous to these positions he had been Technical and Tender Manager at OHL Concesiones.
Rafael Gómez del Río, a civil engineer and Master's graduate of IESE, has over 22 years experience in the infrastructure area. Prior to the appointment he was Chief Operations Officer and General Manager of Sacyr Concesiones Chile. He has also been National Operations Manager at Sacyr Concesiones and National Director of Turnpikes and Shadow Toll Roads at Itínere, before which he had been Public Works Director at Andalucía de Dragados.