Sacyr Concesiones has started the operation of a Chilean highway connecting the cities of Concepción and Cabrero.
The highway covers a distance of 103.4 kilometers that required an investment of US$360 million. The project will generate an income portfolio of US$1.027 billion throughout its concession life of 35 years.
The works, which started in June 2012, will substantially improve connectivity in the Region by connecting Concepción and Cholguán, and linking to the 5 South Route.
This project is located in the Bio Bío Region and crosses the province of Concepción, in its communes of Concepción and Florida, the Bio Bío province, in its Yumbel and Cabrero communes, and the province of Ñuble, in the Yungay commune. Total project length is approximately 103 kilometers (from Cholguán to Concepción), of which 72 are two lane and 31 are single lane.
One of the main objectives of the project consists in improving road infrastructure, which will allow for greater development and an increase in productivity in the area, reducing travel times, improving safety and connectivity of the Region towards the West, and with Route 5. It will become one of the main axis of the area, thanks to its fast connection between the regional capital and the center and south of the Region.
The presence of the Spanish company in Chile dates back 20 years, when it was one of the first companies to take part and commit to the Chilean Concessions Model with the La Serena - Los Vilos route in 1996. Since its arrival in the country, 13 concession projects have been awarded to it from Iquique to Puerto Montt, representing an investment of US$6 billion and the construction of over 1,300 km of highways.