Presenting this new blog: PPPs in infrastructure in Africa

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InfraPPP Blogs is a group of blogs created to gather interesting information about private investment in infrastructure projects through PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS.In January 2009 Public private partnerships around the world was created in order to identify opportunities in the infrastructure industry. Later on Public private partnerships in infrastructure in India was designed to share information on the biggest infrastructure market in the world. From this year 2010 Public private partnerships in Infrastructure in the Middle East and Public private partnerships in infrastructure in South East Asiafocus on these two markets with great potential for infrastructure investment.On this post I want to announce that a new blog has been incorporated to our list. It will treat Public private partnerships in infrastructure in Africa. It is going to be difficult for us to cover this topic in this continent, but we believe there is a huge need for information there. We'd like to join multilateral banks in the effort of promoting PPPs in these cuntries as a way to develop themselves.
I want to ask you for support so that this new initiative moves forward.
Best regards.
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