Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and West Park Healthcare Centre have released a request for proposals (RFP) to three teams prequalified to design, build, finance and maintain the new hospital development project in Toronto. The release of the RFP marks a critical milestone in the project, enabling the teams to begin work on proposals for the new facility.
As we informed, an open, competitive request for qualifications process, overseen by IO and West Park, began in September 2016. This process identified three teams with the design and construction capability, facilities management experience and financial capacity to deliver a project of this size and scope. The prequalified teams invited to submit proposals for the project are:
EllisDon Infrastructure Healthcare:
Plenary PCL Partnership
West Park Healthcare Partnership
The development project will see the construction of a new hospital building, providing inpatient, outpatient and outreach services to meet future demands for health care in Ontario.
The project will result in the construction of a new facility approximately 720,000 square feet and will also include:
Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, stated:
“Investing in the West Park project is another example of our government's commitment to provide hospitals with the resources they need to ensure better access to high-quality health care services and to improve wait times and patient experience.”
Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Infrastructure, said:
“We are very excited to have reached this important milestone for a project that will serve the healthcare needs of Ontarians for years to come, while creating jobs and building up the economy.”
Ehren Cory, President and CEO, Infrastructure Ontario, commented:
“Infrastructure Ontario is proud to support West Park Healthcare Centre through the delivery of a modern and accessible facility. This announcement is a significant milestone in the process to select a team to deliver this project.”
Anne-Marie Malek, President and CEO, West Park Healthcare Centre, added:
“West Park Healthcare Centre is now one step closer to realizing its vision of an integrated campus that will provide exemplary rehabilitative care. We look forward to welcoming patients in our new, world-class hospital facility and helping them get their lives back.”