PPP contract signed for Dutch civic project

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PPP contract signed for Dutch civic project

Rijksgebouwendienst, the Dutch Government Buildings Agency (RGD) and R Creators have achieved commercial closure for the Utrecht Button Barracks PPP project in Holland.

R Creators is a consortium composed of Strukton Integrale Projecten (80%) and Facilicom PPS Contracten (20%).

The building will be redeveloped into a 30,000 m² government office. It will include among others, 200 parking spaces for cars, 500 bicycle spaces and a a conference center with capacity to hold 1,000 visitors.

The office will serve as a multifunctional office building suitable for several government organisations. The Knoop will support working independently of location and time and offers facilities for meeting, networking and working together.

The project will be developed on a design, build, finance, operation and maintenance (DBFOM) basis. The contract will have a period of 20 years after the project begin operations.  

The contract has a net present value of more than €100 million (US$109.2 million).

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