The Philippine Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) and the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) have launched the tender process for the Road Transport IT Infrastructure Project Phase II.
The project aims to deliver a transparent and efficient registration and franchising system through streamlining of the LTFRB's current processes, automation, and modernization of its existing client services IT infrastructure through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme.
The wining bidder will have to finance, design, install, operate, and maintain the Information Technology (IT) Infrastructure for LTFRB. The proposed concession period is 15 years,including 1.5 years for the installation, application development and setting up period.
Specifically, DOTC and LTFRB has launched an request for qualification (RFQ). The invitation documents includes:
For further information refer to: Atty. Catherine P. Gonzalez, email:, tel: (+63 2) 790-8300 local 235 or 272. See invitation to pre-qualified and bid: