Peru's private investment promotion agency, Proinversion, has launched a tender process to hire an advisor for the Ilo port PPP porject in Moquegua.
The selected advisor will be responsible for the review, analysis, and project evaluation. The advisor will also have to support the agency during the tender process.
Peru's Minister of Transport & Communications, José Gallardo, has recently announced that the port will be put out to concession by 2016. The government expects to launch the request for expressions of interest (RFEOI) for the development of the Ilo port PPP porject by mid 2015.
Ilo is a port city in southern Peru, with some 58,000 inhabitants. It is the second city in theMoquegua Region and capital of the Ilo Province.
In late February Proinversion launched a tender process to hire a transaction advisor (TA) for the 'Longitudinal de la Sierra road concession - Section 4′. The road will run through: Huancayo - Izcuchaca - Mayocc - Ayacucho / Ayacucho - Andahuaylas - Pte Sahuinto / Dv. Pisco - Huaytará - Ayacucho.
See tender documents (Spanish):