Pernambuco hires consultants for PPPs

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Pernambuco hires consultants for PPPs

The Brazilian state of Pernambuco, through its public private partnership (PPP) Authority, has hired Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) to develop and improve the state PPP program.

The contract is valued at R$1.3 million (US$0.41 million).

The scope of services also involves a case study of the administrative concession for the Multipurpose Arena Cup 2014. In February 2015, the PPP Authority formed a working team to:

  • update the financial projections of the contract;
  • propose actions to increase the project revenues in order to reduce the cost of the contract for the government;
  • establish the concessionaire's contractual obligations.
  • implementation of the real estate contract for the project

FGV produces a large amount of academic research on diverse fields such as economics, finance, business, law, health, welfare, poverty and unemployment, pollution, and sustainable development.

Pernambuco is located in the Northeast region of the country. The state also includes the archipelago Fernando de Noronha. With an estimated population of 9.2 million people in 2013, it is the seventh most populous state of Brazil, and is the sixth most densely populated. The state has already signed a total of 4 PPP projects.

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