Panama's public works ministry (MOP) confirmed that the process to sign the PPP contract for the Pan-American East Highway project has been suspended because of an appeal from one of the bidders.
In August 2023, Intervial Chile secured the contract for the enhancement, operation, and maintenance of a 247 km segment of the Pan-American East Highway, spanning from Las Garzas de Pacora to Yaviza. Despite obtaining the highest bid score from the assessment committee, the signing of the country's first PPP contract has not taken place as of now.
The project will involve widening the highway to four lanes, resurfacing the highway, upgrading the drainage system, and installing new signage and lighting. Some of the benefits of the Highway PPP project include improved connectivity, promoting economic development, making it easier and safer for people to travel between Las Garzas de Pacora and Yaviza, and boosting the local economy.
The project is expected to cost US$1.2 billion and be completed in 2025.