Ontario's Defence Construction Canada (DCC) has requested letters of interest for a technical adviser for the construction of a new data centre near Angus, Ontario.
The project is planning to be developed on design, build, finance, operate and maintain (DBFOM) basis. The project cost is estimated about CAD$125 million.
The selected firm will provide professional services for the preparation of performance specifications and assistance during the tender call and construction phases for the construction of a new data centre.
The request for letters of interest was published on 2 May 2014. Interested parties must submit their proposals on or before 16 May 2014.
DCC is an agent of Canada's Crown incorporated for the purpose of carrying out the procurement for and delivering of defence infrastructure projects. DCC's mission is to deliver and maintain infrastructure and environmental projects and services, and provide full lifecycle infrastructure support, required for the defence of Canada.
See request for letters of interest: