Norways launches tender for a housing PPP project

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Norways launches tender for a housing PPP project

Norway's municipality of Nesodden has issued a tender process to develop new sheltered accommodation flats in Nesodden through a PPP project.

The project will be developed on a design, build, finance, operation and maintenance (DBFOM) basis for a period of 30 years. The project involves the development of 40 sheltered accommodation flats for elderly persons with an option for an activity centre.

Interested parties must submit their requests to participate on or before 9 September 2014.

See contract notice:

In early July we published that Veidekke, the largest Norwegian construction company and the fourth largest in Scandinavia, had won the Public Private Partnership (PPP) contract to build and operate Rykkinn primary school and Jessheim upper secondary school, both in Norway

The combined project cost is NOK950 million (US$152.1 million) excluding VAT. Veidekke will be responsible for building, leasing, operating and maintaining for 25 years. The Rykkinn school project comprises a new primary school for 630 pupils from stages 1 to 7. The school will have a small sports hall and a comprehensive outdoor area well adapted to the existing terrain.

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Country news

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