NORD LB and HSH Nordbank each committed 50% of the total debt amount of around €100 million to Eole Nord de France, the Holding Company of the wind farms.
NORD/LB and HSH Nordbank acted as joint Mandated Lead Arrangers to provide senior and ancillary facilities for the portfolio. NORD/LB assumed the role of modelling and documentation bank and was also responsible for the overall coordination of the arranging and structuring process and will serve as Facility Agent for the on-going management of the financing.
HSH Nordbank acted as Technical and Insurance Bank.
The port-folio consists of four farms between 12 and 24 MW and is owned by Diamond Generating Europe, a Mitsubishi Corporation Group subsidiary, and EDF Energies Nouvelles.
Turbines from Siemens with 3 MW capacity will be installed in all wind farms. EDF Energies Nouvelles will have a strong managing responsibility in the construction and operational phase of the projects. Siemens will also be responsible for the maintenance of the wind farms.
Source: Nord LB