The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN), through the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMA & RD), has issued a request for expressions of interest (RFEOI) to develop the 33 Silo Complexes PPP project supported by the World Bank.
The storage capacity of the silo complexes ranges from 11,000 to 100,000 metric tons with a total combined storage capacity of 1.3 million metric tons. The project aims to provide immediate food relief in times of emergency and to provide a mechanism for price stabilisation.
The project will involves the development of the new facilities and the operation and maintenance of the complex during the concession period.
Interested parties must submit their expressions of interest on or before 18 November 2014.
On 15 October 2013 the FGN launched a tender process to hire a transaction advisor to structure the project.
Nigeria has several PPP projects in tender stage. Two examples are: