NIBC Bank finances Dutch building PPP project

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NIBC Bank finances Dutch building PPP project

Mott Macdonald-80The Bezuidenhoutseweg 30 (B30) public-private partnership (PPP) in The Hague, the Netherlands, has reached financial close. Mott MacDonald has been retained as lender's technical advisor on the project and will provide construction and operational monitoring services.

The Facilicom PPS B30 Consortium, which was announced as preferred bidder in March 2014,  is made up of Facilicom, KAAN Architecten, Braaksma & Roos Architectenbureau, Deerns, Pieters Bouwtechniek and Rebel Group. The consortium signed the PPP contract for the project in early April 2014.

The contract includes the Design, Build, Finance, Maintain and Operate (DBFMO) of the project for 30 years. Project financing is being provided by NIBC Bank N.V.

This National Heritage Site, built for the Department of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries in 1917 and subsequently occupied by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation until 2013, will soon be converted into the Dutch government's premier new knowledge centre.

In 2016, the renovated B30 building will serve as the joint premises for the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB), the Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP), the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA) and the Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli).

Mott MacDonald's project director Joost van Loon said:
"Our global knowledge and experience in guiding, advising and supporting PPP projects helped this project reach a successful financial close. Mott MacDonald has a strong presence in The Hague, as we are also providing technical advice to lenders on the new Supreme Court building, which is due to be handed over next year."
The renovated building is due to be completed in 2016.
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