New tender for Chennai monorail after cancellation

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New tender for Chennai monorail after cancellation Some hours ago, The Hindu published an article explaining that the Chennai monorail project is going to be cancelled. The decisions comes due to a the lack of enough eligible participants in the bidding process. Some officials commented that a new tender with different eligibility criteria will be floated in the short future.
We have to remember that three consortia submitted a response to the RFQon September 28th of 2011:
  • Laursen and Toubro - Hitachi
  • Alkem from Malaysia
  • UK firm
The problems come because in order to pre-qualify, a participating consortium/company should have been awarded an urban rail project under PPP model with a minimum route length of 37-km within the last three years.
After the pre-bid meeting on September 8, the minimum length was changed to 25 km. An additional clause was added to allow those who had built a 12km monorail line which had also begun commercial operation, to participate.
As The Hindu writes it, 
There are simply not enough monorail systems in the world that have been built under the PPP model.
This meant that many companies could not participate in the tender because of this criterion (15 companies showed interest but only three could qualify). But this was not the only problem as the tender was launched very quickly and probably the tender documentation was not ready a for complex contract to be signed.
What's next?
The Empowered Monorail Committee would take a decision shortly and the Finance Department of the Metropolitan Transport Corporation is reviewed the new tender to be floated.
Follow the whole tender process here:
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