The Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust is looking for a private partner with design, build, finance and operational capabilities to develop a new 'satellite' entrance with concession outlets to link the existing hospital buildings with the new tram stop which is expected to be operational by January 2015.
The development is expected to serve the general population but particularly, patients and visitors accessing the hospital from the tram.
The successful contractor must deliver the new satellite entrance physically linking the tram stop with the hospital at level B no later than January 2015 to coincide with the scheduled opening of the tram.
The lease is expected to be for a period of 25 years after which the land, satellite entrance and concession space will revert to Trust ownership.
The Trust may however wish to develop further floors at a later stage for clinical or other purposes though such development is outside of the scope of this procurement. Such further development potential however needs to be factored into the design.
The Trust anticipates awarding the contract in early 2014 with access to the land being made available in the middle of 2014.
The deadline for submissions of proposals is 9 December 2013.
See tender notice: