Mumbai Port Trust has invited bidders to participate in the tender process for the leasing of land and water area for the development of a marina at Mumbai Port.
Mumbai Port Trust intends to lease out the waterfront & land for development of Marina at Frere Basin / Clarke Basin, Mazgaon, Mumbai for creation and operation of marina facilities for small craft, pleasure craft/ boats, yachts etc. for a period of 30 years.
The approximate waterfront area earmarked is. 45,000 sq. meters and land area is 9,900 sq. meters. Indian Maritime University (IMU) has prepared a Feasibility study for the marina. The proposed location has the capacity to accommodate 124 boats of various sizes by creating 4 nos. floating pontoons and associates structures.
The last day for submission of proposals for the project is 25 November 2013. Tender documents can be purchased until 20 November 2013.
See Tender Notice and Feasibility study: