Minas Gerais approves new private infrastructure Plan

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Minas Gerais approves new private infrastructure Plan

The state of Minas Gerais in Brazil has approved a pipeline of future PPP projects and has launched a public consultation to receive comments regarding its new plan, the Plano Estadual de Parcerias Público-Privadas (May 2013 - May 2014). The Conselho Gestor de Parcerias Público-Privadas (CGP) of Minas Gerais, headed by the state Governor approved the Plan in early April.

The Plan approves the execution of three new PPP projects:

  • Expansion of water supply system of Rio Manso
  • Waste treatment system in Belo Horizonte
  • Construction, operation and maintenance of 23 healthcare units

The Plan also envisages the execution of a Feasibility Study and the structuring of the following PPP projects:

  • Construction, operation and maintenance of a healthcare unit at Praça Sete de Setembro, in Belo Horizonte
  • Belt road in the region of Belo Horizonte (stretch between BR-381 south and BR-381 north)
  • Expansion of Metro system of the Region of Belo Horizonte
  • Expansion, modernization and operation of Zona da Mata Regional Airport
  • Metropolitan Passenger Railway Transport System
  • Transporte Metropolitano de Passageiros sobre Trilhos
  • Modernization and Operation of Units of State Maintenance (Rota das Grutas Lund - Touristic project)
  • Modernization of Gameleira Fair Center
  • Modernização do Parque de Exposições da Gameleira
  • DETRAN vehicle park project
  • Modernization and operation of units to inform citizens about healthcare units.

The firms interested in the new Plan can send comments from May 20th to June 18th, 2013.

Source: SECCRI

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