Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is seeking innovative ways to finance, build, operate and maintain public infrastructure and it is reaching out to businesses and other entities for their ideas and interest in forming public-private partnerships (P3s).
On July 25 2013, MDOT formally issued requests for "letters of interest" from the private sector regarding several proposed P3 projects. Mid-August is the deadline for responses.
Initial proposed P3 projects include two rest areas, freeway lighting, bridge work and timber management.
The two rest areas proposed for P3 projects are the Higgins Lake and Houghton Lake facilities along US-127 in Roscommon County. MDOT is seeking feedback from entities that would be interested in providing improvements or services at one or both of the rest areas.
Regarding freeway lighting, MDOT has proposed three P3 alternatives that vary in scope. The three are:
Two alternatives are being considered for bridge P3 projects. They are:
On the bridge projects, a private sector developer would have a long-term contract to finance, design, construct and maintain the bridges.
The timber management P3 projects would thin out selected forested areas along four highway corridors to sustain and improve forest conditions. The four corridors are: