Mexico to analyze PPP model on 11 water projects

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Mexico to analyze PPP model on 11 water projects

Gustavo Arballo Luján, president of the Mexican Chamber of Construction Industry (CMIC), has announced that the Government is analyzing the option of developing a total of 11 water projects through the public private partnership (PPP) model.

The projects under study are located in the states of southern Veracruz, Texcoco, Temascaltepec, Michoacán, Los Cabos, and Jalisco.

In Los Cabos will be carry out a project that

A project involving the upgrade and maintenance of the D.I.M. Lázaro Cárdenas aqueduct and a P799 million (US$47.4 million) desalination plant in Los Cabos  are among the candidates for the PPP model.

According to Arballo, CMIC is seeking financing from the National Bank of Public Works and Services, Banobras, to implement the 11 water PPP projets.

A few water projects are being carried out through the PPP model in Mexico. In early July we reported that Odebrecht Ambiental SA and Interagbar de México SA were awarded the concession to provide water and sewage services for three municipalities of Veracruz State. The consortium will invest about US$111.5 million.

In January this year the North American Development Bank (NADB) announced project financing for the 5.7-millon gallons a day (mgd) capacity desalination plant in Ensenada, Baja California, and Grupo Mexicano de Desarrollo (GMD) agreed extending the water service concession in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo for 30 more years.

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