Three teams have submitted proposals to Metro Vancouver for the Lions Gate Secondary Wastewater Treatment Plant Project in British Columbia (Canada). Further details on these specific companies have not yet been released.
As we reported in September 2015, Metro Vancouver launched a request for information (RFI) to develop the project.
In early March, a shortlist was announced for the wastewater project in Vancouver. This shorlisted teams are:
Aecom and Dragados were also bidding on the project but didn't passed to the next stage of competition.
Requests for qualifications were submitted for the project on December 17 last year. Financial close is expected in April 2017.
Located in Vancouver, the existing Lions Gate Wastewater Treatment Plant has provided primary treatment for over 50 years. The facilities treated about 32 billion liters of wastewater in 2012. New federal regulations and the Province require that wastewater treatment on the North Shore be upgraded from primary treatment to secondary treatment.
The project definition phase has been completed and an indicative design prepared. The indicative design provides the basis from which Metro Vancouver will design and build the new treatment plant.
The project will be carry out as a public private partnership (PPP) on a design, build, and finance (DBF) basis. Metro Vancouver will maintain and operate the new facilities.
The total project investment is estimated at CAD$700 million (US$524.8 million). Metro Vancouver has committed a one-third share of the estimated project capital costs and is seeking a commitment from the federal and British Columbia governments for the remaining two-thirds.