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Birmingham City Council is seeking a private partner to deliver the Birmingham Smithfield development scheme located in the heart of the city centre.
It is proposed that the Council and the selected private sector partner will create a partnering structure through a contractual Joint Venture Agreement that will align the parties' goals and provide a mechanism for the development to be delivered.
Birmingham Smithfield will be a key part of delivering the City Council's vision for a sustainable inclusive and connected city. The Council's vision is to build a legacy for the city, a place for people that stands the test of time as an international exemplar of sustainable development. As the major landowner for the 17ha site, the City Council is committed to the delivery of this transformation. The Council has already commenced the process assembling 8 ha of the site with the relocation of the existing Wholesale Market.
As one of the largest and most attractive city centre development sites in Europe, Birmingham Smithfield is a unique opportunity to create a truly transformational development. The vision includes new retail markets, family leisure and cultural attractions, an exemplar residential neighbourhood of 2,000 new homes, public squares and integrated transport facilities.
This development will drive major economic benefits including 300 000 sq.m. of commercial floorspace, 3,000 jobs, £470 million in additional GVA with an approximate gross development value of £1 billion.
It is envisaged that the eventual contract will also allow for adjacent sites to be developed under the provisions of the contract, by agreement of the joint venture partners, which would have the potential to increase the overall gross development value. Therefore, for the purpose of stating a potential contract value in this contract notice, the overall gross development value has the potential to increase by up to 50 %.
As we reported in March 2017, the Council issued a a Prior Information Notice (PIN) for the project.
In September 2016, the Council prepared a detailed masterplan which sets out the vision and principles that will form the basis of the delivery of this unique opportunity for the city.
The deadline for submitting qualifications is September, 9. Further information is available here.