Shortlist for Ontario's Hamilton LRT

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Shortlist for Ontario's Hamilton LRT

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Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and Metrolinx have announced a shortlist for the design, build, finance and maintenance of the Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) project​.

The following three consortia were shortlisted for the project:

  • EllisDon, Fluor Corporation and Bombardier; 
  • Grupo ACS, AECON, Dufferin and Serco;
  • John Laing, Astaldi Group, Ansaldo and Hitachi.

The teams returned qualifications on 29 March, along with two other teams:

  • Acciona, Cintra, Colas, Ferrovial and RATP Développement;
  • SAcyr, TYPSA,Amber, Associated Engineering (AE), First Transit and Hunt Construction Group.

 A consortium formed by Kiewit, Meridiam Infrastructure North America II and Keolis was expected to return qualifications, but ultimately decided not to.

As we reported, IO and Metrolinx issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the project in February 2017. 

The RFQ outlined the scope of work required for the Hamilton LRT B-Line, which includes:

  • 11 kilometres of new dedicated rapid transit between McMaster University to Queenston Circle 
  • 14 stops along Main Street / King Street corridor with connections to the Hamilton bus network and close to the Hamilton GO Centre station
  • An operations, maintenance and storage facility for the light rail vehicles
  • Procurement of a fleet of light rail vehicles and operations of the system

The project entails an overall investment of CAD1 billion (US$790 million).

The Hamilton LRT will deliver rapid and reliable service along one of Hamilton's busiest transit corridors and enhance direct connections with the regional transit network, creating  an integrated transit system throughout the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.

In April, Metrolinx appointed AECOM to provide technical advisory services for the Hamilton and Hurontario LRT projects

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