Peru's ministries of Transport and Communications (MTC) and of Economy and Finance (MEF) have approved the definitive feasibility studies of Section 2 of Lima Metro, which will require an investment of US$6.5 billion.
Under this plan the new metro line will include 35 stations, 30 at surface level and 5 underground, which will serve 2.4 million users who live or work in the area of influence. The contract term will be 35 years.
The project, which total route is 35 km of underground track, will connect the districts of eastern Lima (Ate, Santa Anita) with those of central Lima and Callao (East-West Axis). It will link with Line 1 of the Lima Metro and the Metropolitano. The project will include construction works, the provision of rolling stock, electrical and telecommunication systems and other civil works.
The concession project is scheduled to be awarded in December, and so far 35 companies have purchased bidding documents.
The consortium formed by GEODATA Engineering Spa (70%), Universidad ESAN (15%) and Serconsult SA (15 %) is advising the government.
Source: Proinversión